Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Week 3 - The Guys on Idol

Lee Dewyze singing Fireflies - he's one of my favorites.  Sonny & I both don't think he beats the last two girls from last night though but he was good.

Alex Lambert singing Trouble - he's not one of my favorites but I thought he did ok tonight.  Just hope he doesn't become a "cocky banana" as Ellen said.  Don't really know what that means!!

Tim Urban singing Hallelujah -Wow!  Just when I thought it was his turn to go home, he surprises me with that great performance.  I'm with Ellen - she ran on stage and hugged him and told him "fantastic."

Andrew Garcia singing Genie in a Bottle - This one didn't do it for me tonight.  I hope this doesn't send him home.  The judges feel like maybe he peaked too early.  He was so great during Hollywood week and I thought he was going to be THE one.

Casey James singing You'll Think of Me - I love this song!  He was pretty good - not great but good. Ellen loved it - Kara is getting back on the "Casey train"; Randy thought it was safe; Simon thinks it's forgettable but he sounded great.

Aaron Kelly singing I'm Already There - Well, it's interesting to hear a 16 year old sing this song - how can he understand this song?  He started out not so good but got better as he went on.  It wasn't great to me.

Toddrick Hall singing Someone to Love - Well, that was one of the best tonight!  He was comfortable on stage and singing a Queen song!!  He's definately theatrical and should be on Broadway.

Michael Lynch singing This Woman's Work - He IS my favorite of the boys and he didn't disappoint me tonight!  The judges loved him.  As Randy says, that was DOPE!  Ellen thinks he's the one to beat.

It's hard to guess who's going to get eliminated this week.  My guess would be Andrew Garcia, Aaron Kelly or Toddrick Hall.

1 comment:

Musings of a Housewife said...

Fun recap! I agree with most of it, as you already know. ;-) I hope Toddrick doesn't go home tho!