Yesterday we drove to Gettysburg. I don't know what I was expecting but it was really neat. I thought it would be just a bunch of graves and markers but it was nothing like that. The neatest thing was that at the visitor center, you had your choice of getting a map and driving all around the battlefield (which as really huge); boarding a bus for a tour; OR what we did .... get a tour guide to drive our car and give us a personalized tour. Our tour guide was probably about 80 years old and quite knowledgeable. He has been doing this for 16 years - since he retired, so you can imagine! Before we left the Visitors Center, he asked us where we were from and if we had any kin that fought in the Civil War. I wish I had been prepared because I don't know. But Sonny knew he had a relative who was a Butcher and his last name was Gibson. So, John (our tour guide) looked up Gibson in the Pennsylvania book & we narrowed it down to 2-3 men. Then we were on our way to find the monument from the Regiment our relatives were in. All along the tour, John made the battle come alive for us. If you ever get a chance to go to Gettysburg, this is the best way to see it. It was $55 for the 3 of us, but if we'd done the bus tour, it was about $25-30 per person!
After we finished our tour (about 2+ hours), we drove over to York, Pa. That is the home of York Air Conditioning & Heating (now Johnson Controls) which was Sonny's employer until he retired. York was also the first capitol of the US and very historic also. We didn't get there until dark so we just drove by the plant and found a nice restaurant for dinner. We wanted to go to Lancaster and the Amish area, but Ashley had to get back. We'll save that for another time.
Tomorrow, we'll leave here & head to Virginia Beach. I'm looking forward to meeting some of my NC stampin' sisters and learning some new tricks at SU's convention. Ashley will join us later in the day after having to work.
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