Check HERE for pictures of the bundle items still available.
Rub-Ons are on sale HERE.
You can get the Country Living bundle HERE
Below are listed some traditional Thanksgiving food Points. They sure add up fast. I don't even want to tell you what mine were!! Look out "Y" - I'll be there next week!!!
Here's a Thanksgiving calculator to see how far you need to walk next week!! For example ....
1 piece pecan pie (1/8 of 9-in pie) - 480 calories
1 piece pumpkin pie (1/8 of 9-in pie) - 180 calories
A slice of pecan pie, A slice of pumpkin pie, ...that comes to 660 calories. You will need to walk 6.6 miles, 10.64 kilometers, or 13200 steps, assuming you cover one mile in 2,000 steps.
While we're talking about pies, I tried a new pie recipe Thanksgiving and it was really good! It was in the Charlotte Observer & called a Twofer Pie because it was a combination pumpkin and pecan pie. It's definitely NOT a Weight Watcher's recipe!!
If you want to try it, here's the recipe:
Position oven rack in center of oven & preheat to 450. Put pie plate w/crust on a baking sheet lined w/parchment paper or silicon baking mat.
Combine all pumpkin filling ingredients in food processor & process, stopping to scrape down sides as needed, for 2 minutes. Leave filling in processor for a minute.
Place all pecan filling ingredients - except pecans - in mixing bowl & whisk until smooth.
Give pumpkin filling a final pulse in food processor; then rap the bowl on counter a few times to release air bubbles. Pour into the crust. Spread nuts evenly over the pumpkin layer. Pour the pecan filling over the top, pushing any nuts that float back down.
Bake 10 minutes. Reduce oven temp. to 300 & bake 350-40 minutes longer, until top is puffy & a think knife inserted in middle comes out clean.
Well, Thanksgiving has come and gone and I am still stuffed!! We had a very nice Thanksgiving at my home yesterday. My sister spent the night with us on Wednesday so she & I got a head start on our cooking when we woke up. We had done most of the work beforehand so just had to make a couple of salads, pies and casseroles and figure out the timing of cooking it all! This is the only time of the year I wish I had a double stove!! We cooked the turkey on high heat and it only took a little over 3 hours .... the only drawback is every time the oven was opened, it got smokey in the house! We had the doors open and a fan in the window. Luckily, it was in the 60's and a beautiful day. Our friends and relatives started arriving about noon and we munched on hors-doerves cheese and crackers - while waiting for dinner. The guys went outside and played a little football. After dinner, we sat around the table and played "Table Talk", a tradition I started last year. It's a game of thought provoking questions. I put 3 under each person's plate and they can pick one of them to answer or answer them all if they so choose. The questions are like "What event in the past, present or future would you like to witness?" What is your favorite childhood memory?" It's a great way to get to know someone and sometimes you find out more than you wanted to know!!
Here's a pictorial tour of Thanksgiving at my house!
Our table setting .... BEFORE all the food!
Isn't this centerpiece gorgeous?!! Our friends, Sharon & Bob always order the centerpiece for the table since Sharon doesn't cook!!
Marianne's oldest son, Derek, catching the football!
Harrison going for the ball .... if he doesn't lose his pants first!!
This beer's for ..... Marianne!! Go Steelers!!
My daughter, Ashley and her friend, Drew who joined us.
The turkey shot out of the oven
and rocketed into the air,
it knocked every plate off the table
and partly demolished a chair.
It ricocheted into a corner
and burst with deafening boom,
then splattered all over the kitchen,
completely obscuring the room.
It stuck to the walls and the windows,
it totally coated the floor,
there was turkey attached to the ceiling,
where there'd never been turkey before.
It blanketed every appliance,
it smeared every saucer and bowl,
there wasn't a way I could stop it,
that turkey was out of control.
I scraped and I scrubbed with displeasure,
and thought with chagrin as I mopped,
that I'd never again stuff a turkey
with popcorn that hadn't been popped.
My sister and her girlfriend came over this morning and we played in my stamp room ALL DAY!! So much fun!! To begin with, we each picked out a Color Challenge from Splitcoast and a Sketch Challenge. I gave them my notebook full of stamp sets & let them pick any one they wanted and we sat down and each made a card!! They turned out great and they learned they don't need my guidance every step of the way and they could do it on their own! Here are our cards -
This is Sharon's card (Girlfriend!). She is sending this to a friend who is her final fight with cancer. Very simple but pretty, don't you think?
This is my sister's card. She used a stamp set from Great Impressions. (She loves snowmen cards!!
This last card is mine. The stampset is actually one Marianne brought over that I thought was soooo cute!! And the "Happy Holidays" is a retired SU set that I bought at a sale this summer.
After doing our challenges, they made several Christmas cards from my Tuesday night class. When I put away all my supplies from my class this week, I kept out 2 sets of each card kit just for this purpose. So, they were able to work on the cards while I finished up some calendars I am trying to get done by Thursday!! My sister also went through some of my card samples and found a snowman one (done by Wanda!) and made about 5 cards like it. It's so cute and easy to do. We used my Nesties for the Snowman circles and Dazzling Diamonds embossing powder for the sparkle.
I snapped this picture while they were working. They didn't even know I was taking it - not real flattering but you can tell they are hard at work! I kept trying to clean up their table for them and put things away but they liked cluttered like that .... would have driven me nuts! Also, notice the quilts in their chairs! I like to keep my house a lot cooler than most people and they usually freeze & complain!! I just tell them to put their woolies on and come prepared!! I actually turned the heat up today for them and I had on short sleeves!!
Tomorrow they will be back and we will be working on Christmas Organizers. I'll post the finished product.
Well, I had my Christmas Card class tonight and I think it was a big hit to the ones who were there. I had 3 "no shows" - they just don't know what they missed!! But, I still had a good manageable crowd - about 12 gals and only 1 "newbie" stamper. My sister took her under her wing and helped her with her cards. Thanks Marianne!!
Here's a couple more of the cards we worked on.
This one was just not a hit! I don't think anyone did this card and I like it because it is different. Judy helped me clean up and commented on it at the time, saying it was really cute in person. The "pot" is made with punches (square and word window) and I used the star punches for the tree.
Believe it or not, but I got this reindeer stamp on Saturday at Michael's in their Dollar Bin! I liked the reindeer in the SU set, Winter Post, but just wasn't sold on the whole set. So, when I saw this little stamp, I grabbed it! It had "Bliss" on the stamp also, but I used my Exacto Knife and cut the word off and put it on the side of the stamp.
I used the scallop punch for the silver paper and the Curly Label Punch for "Merry Christmas"
My Christmas Card workshop is tonight and so far, my count is for 14 ladies!! Woo Hoo!!
Here's a couple more of the cards we are going to be making.
This card uses Season of Friendship from the Holiday Mini. The darker tree is embossed with Copper Embossing powder. "Merry Christmas" is a rub-on (on sale!!) and the designer paper is from Ski Slope in the mini.
I think this may be my favorite!! This card also uses the Ski Slope designer paper. I used my Top Note die for the white & Baja Breeze piece and embossed the saying in the corner. I punched out a Sizzix snowflake and put a crystal in the center. The ribbon is some I found in my stash and I used a little gold cording to gather the ribbon in the center & wrap around the ribbon also.
I've been busy all day getting ready for my Christmas Card Class I am having for my neighborhood on Tuesday night. Are you coming? Whaddya mean you don't want to hop on a plane, fly hundreds (if not thousands) of miles, rent a car, get a hotel room, just to come? Oh, well...I know you can't all make it, but a girl can try, can't she?
I've made 10 different cards to pick from and I'll be posting them this week for you to drool over! I'll even give you directions if you want to make some of them on your own. The gals will be making 7 cards out of the 10 so I've tried to do some different things. It's always so hard to decide! I've done a lot of the stamping and cut everything out since I don't know what level some of the ladies are on with Creativity!! Better to make it easy than to spend the night at the Clubhouse!!
This first card I'm sharing with you is actually using retired colors and paper with the little Christmas tree from Punch Pals. The circle actually swings free (just a glue dot right below the knot so it can be used as a little Christmas ornament for the receiver! Cute, huh? I used my Nestabilities to cut the Cranberry circle; my Scallop punch for the green circle; and my 1 3/8" punch for the River Rock (tree) circle. The holly leaves are actually one of my clear stamps.
Tuesday Sonny and I went to the Levine Museum of the New South in downtown Charlotte with our Newcomers & Golden Boys Groups. Sonny was not too thrilled to have to go to a museum but I think he changed his mind by the end of the day. I would highly recommend this museum!! You will find Charlotte's heart and soul in the museum's current program, New South for the New Southerner. Historian Dr. Tom Hanchett led a lively educational discussion on Charlotte's history and its future, covering topics as varied and colorful as why so many streets are named Sharon, what business was like in Charlotte before interstate banking, and what food and drinks were originated here (am I the only one who likes livermush???) This lighthearted lesson in local history is ideal for newcomers and natives (such as me). I feel like although I was born and raised in Charlotte, I really don't know her! I left for college in 1966 and basically, never returned except to visit. So, I get very lost in the city and don't recognize anything downtown!!
After the lecture and seeing some of the exhibits (hands on) in the museum, Dr. Hanchett led us on a walking tour of Charlotte. We went into the Bank of America building which houses an impressive traveling art exhibit which is open to the public. We visited the Mint Museum of Craft and Design where I had to fight back the tears. In my day, this building (Mint) housed Montaldo's department store. My grandmother and great-aunt, Love, both worked there. When I was young (12-13 years old probably), every Saturday, my girlfriend and I would take the bus downtown (today, it is referred to as UPtown). We would go to Montaldo's and visit my grandmother & aunt, go to Woolworth's to buy some Tangee lipstick (remember that???), down to Trade Street where my grandfather worked at Stein's Men's Clothing and he would always give me some money and take us to lunch (probably Tanner's hot dogs) and then we'd go to the Carolina Theatre to watch Elvis gyrate!! Such wonderful memories plus Montaldo's is where my wedding dress was purchased!! The walking tour was quite interesting though and we saw things that I wouldn't normally see and learned a little history about my hometown.
If you have guests visiting, I would highly recommend the Levine Museum!! Even if you don't have guests, go yourself! I know I will go back. And, perhaps take a little walking stroll myself to see what else I uncover down .... opps, UPtown!
Today is my baby's birthday. I don't think he'd like for me to refer to him as my baby, but that is what he is to me even if he is 30 years old (or young) today. It doesn't seem like he should be 30 yet .... it just makes me that old + 30! But, indeed he is with a wife, 3 great step-daughters and a beautiful 2-year old son. He is a great dad and husband. When he married Darcie, he took on the responsibility of raising her 3 girls, Torri, Kennedy, and Cassidy, who has special needs. He never thought twice about it. That is the type of man he is and why I am proud of him. He and I have our difficulties at present, but I hope and pray, some day, we will get past our problems.
For his birthday, I put together a scrapbook of memories for him. I used the theme "Where has the time gone" because that is what I feel!! It seems only yesterday that I was holding him in my lap while he was sucking his thumb and holding fast to his tattered blanket.
Here are a few of the pages from the book.
This is a great quote that I got this summer from Quick Quotes and thought it was appropriate at the beginning of the memories.
I hope he will enjoy taking this walk with me through my memories and remember how much I love him. It was bittersweet making this album. I had tears and laughter all along the way - just like I did when he was growing up. Oh, the memories I have that are not in this book!!
Happy Birthday, sweet boy of mine!
Love, Mom
Well, I feel like I've been going non-stop for a long time & I'm ready to stop the train and slow down!! We got back in town late Sunday afternoon and didn't even go straight home! We stopped off at a local bar/restaurant to catch the Steelers game on tv. At half-time, I called my sister who told me the game was on our local CBS station, so we headed home to finish watching them LOSE!! But, I had unpacking, laundry and a lot of catching up to do on the DVR to do. Monday was bridge day; Tuesday was a Newcomer's event in downtown Charlotte (details later) and Bunco that night. Today .... was heaven!! I didn't even get dressed until after noon and just vegged out .... well, actually I worked on a baby gift that I have been needing to get done.
Our sweet neighbors in Gig Harbor had their first child the day of my birthday party. Little Joey was born on early Saturday morning, Oct. 18th.
Joe & Ramey have decorated his room with jungle animals so I thought that would be appropriate for his name frame. I found some green striped paper in my stash and covered the cardboard backing of the WalMart frame. Next, I used my Nestabilities and Cuttlebug to cut out the Always Artichoke & Vanilla cardstock ovals. I stamped the letters in Chocolate Chip and embossed them with clear powder. The animals are from 4 different SU stamp sets - Wild About You; Unfroggetable; Bugs & Kisses; and Sock Monkey. The little saying (precious little one) is a SU rub-on. I added a little ribbon on the side with a round clip from the Hodgepodge Hardware set and a brown plaid button that I found along with a little lady-bug button for accents. I thought it turned out really cute! Hope they do too.
Enjoy my pictures!
This first one is of Ashley (#36) with her Pennsylvania cousins (about 2nd removed, I think!).