Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day


Wippee!!  We have snow.  What is it about snow that make 60 year old women (and 50 and 80 ....) act like a kid again??!!  It's just so beautiful.  It started snowing here last night about 7:30 and was still snowing at midnight.  School closings were already posted along with businesses for Monday.  I just remember when I was a kid, I was so excited about those cherished snow days!!  Also, as an adult, I worked at our local high school and loved it when the schools closed and we got to stay home for snow.  (Although, living in Texas, it didn't happen that often!!)  These March snows always bring to mind 1960!  My sister was born in 1960 and it snowed every Wednesday that March ... yes, she was born on a Wednesday!!  But those memories officially make me an "old-timer!"  Yesterday's Charlotte Observer make mention of the 1960 March snow storms and said "old-timers in Charlotte always remember ...."  Old well ... guess that's me!

Here are pictures of our SNOW!!





1 comment:

Jackie said...

It is gorgeous, isn't it? Your yard looks alot like ours - we got about 6 inches here, I think and I have photos to post to my blog later. I love it, it's almost magical. Kitties don't share my views though.