"A bad boss will really make you miserable, even when you're not at work. Don't waste energy whining about it. Find a new one." I guess the worst boss I ever had was when I worked at the Coppell Library. I was secretary to the library director. Not only was she horrible, but she didn't use deodorant. She and her clothes reeked of B.O. We all would have to hold our breath when she was close to us!! I only lasted there a year.
"Practice patience. Sometimes March weather doesn't arrive until May." Well, I'll have to admit I do not have an overly amount of patience. My husband calls me (sarcastically) Miss Patience quite often. I want it done now - I don't want to wait! When we are at a restaurant, I am ready to leave when I finish eating. Saturday, we ate lunch at an Italian restaurant in town. I was so proud of myself .... I sat and waited until my husband asked if I was ready to go. It drives me crazy to have to sit and wait for others!!
"When I was your age, the fashion was checkered bell-bottom pants. Polyester. Wouldn't be caught dead in them now. Pause and ponder that before your next tattoo." Isn't that the truth? When I see people with these tattoos all over their body, I think to myself, what will they look like when they are 70 years old??? I had a friend when I lived in Texas who had his wife's name tattooed on his arm. After the rather sticky divorce, when he planned to remarry, he had to go through the expense to have his first wife's name removed from his arm. Remember that when you visit the tattoo parlor!
"Anybody who tells you they made money playing on-line poker is probably sizing you up for a loan."
"Your monetary worth to any organization is only calculated when you've got another offer"
"Tan now, wrinkle later" USE SUNSCREEN!!
"Like you, we were full of great ideas. We turned them into ozone. Here's your assignment: Fix the flippin' planet" Sooner rather than later please.
"Look up from the screen of your cell phone. That flash of color - that's a sunset." And they are God's gift to us. Enjoy!
"You know about Santa, you know about the Tooth Fairy. Now we can reveal the third and final secret of life: Bathrooms do not clean themselves." Or ... clothes hang themselves up by themselves; light switches turn off by themselves ....
And my favorite .... "I hate to tell you this, but that band you've been listening to - the Beatles ... We discovered them!
1 comment:
What a great article...! Love it.
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