Friday, May 30, 2008
Sneak Preview of SU's new stampset!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Spring Fling cards

Secret Sister Always Card

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Pause the iPods - Part 2
"A bad boss will really make you miserable, even when you're not at work. Don't waste energy whining about it. Find a new one." I guess the worst boss I ever had was when I worked at the Coppell Library. I was secretary to the library director. Not only was she horrible, but she didn't use deodorant. She and her clothes reeked of B.O. We all would have to hold our breath when she was close to us!! I only lasted there a year.
"Practice patience. Sometimes March weather doesn't arrive until May." Well, I'll have to admit I do not have an overly amount of patience. My husband calls me (sarcastically) Miss Patience quite often. I want it done now - I don't want to wait! When we are at a restaurant, I am ready to leave when I finish eating. Saturday, we ate lunch at an Italian restaurant in town. I was so proud of myself .... I sat and waited until my husband asked if I was ready to go. It drives me crazy to have to sit and wait for others!!
"When I was your age, the fashion was checkered bell-bottom pants. Polyester. Wouldn't be caught dead in them now. Pause and ponder that before your next tattoo." Isn't that the truth? When I see people with these tattoos all over their body, I think to myself, what will they look like when they are 70 years old??? I had a friend when I lived in Texas who had his wife's name tattooed on his arm. After the rather sticky divorce, when he planned to remarry, he had to go through the expense to have his first wife's name removed from his arm. Remember that when you visit the tattoo parlor!
"Anybody who tells you they made money playing on-line poker is probably sizing you up for a loan."
"Your monetary worth to any organization is only calculated when you've got another offer"
"Tan now, wrinkle later" USE SUNSCREEN!!
"Like you, we were full of great ideas. We turned them into ozone. Here's your assignment: Fix the flippin' planet" Sooner rather than later please.
"Look up from the screen of your cell phone. That flash of color - that's a sunset." And they are God's gift to us. Enjoy!
"You know about Santa, you know about the Tooth Fairy. Now we can reveal the third and final secret of life: Bathrooms do not clean themselves." Or ... clothes hang themselves up by themselves; light switches turn off by themselves ....
And my favorite .... "I hate to tell you this, but that band you've been listening to - the Beatles ... We discovered them!

Monday, May 26, 2008
Fresh Cuts stamp

Pause the iPods and listen
"Your parents are officially as dumb as they will ever be. From this day forward, they will get smarter, just a little, day by day." Don't know that my kids would agree with this, especially my son!
"Always drive like there's a cop behind you" Lesson learned.... especially when driving through Virginia - it can be costly!!
"Pop the earphones out every so often and listen carefully. If you concentrate, you can still hear the original iPods. They're called birds!" I'm afraid one day all the young people of today are going to be deaf!
"Any worthwhile journey involves getting lost sometimes. Life is a worthwhile journey." My life continues to be a journey - never knowing what is around the bend. Sometimes good ....sometimes bad, but I guess you have to take the good with the bad.
"When lost, take time to poke around a little into the stuff you never would have seen otherwise. " I can't count the times I've been lost (just ask my children when they were younger!!) but there are shops and restaurants I've discovered when taking the other route that I wouldn't have know about if I hadn't been lost.
"You are what you drive. Keep it clean." Hope my husband doesn't read this. I keep my car anything but clean according to him. What can I say .... sometimes I'm a slob!
"Text and drive, you won't survive." Much less, talk on the cell phone and drive!! I'm guilty of this but I know I would not be able to text and drive!! Keep waiting for all states to have mandatory earphones for cars on the highway.
"After 30, skip the fries." But .... they're soooo good!! Especially at Poppa's Hot Dog Shop in Mooresville where I seen to gravitate to after attending my Weight Watchers meeting!!
"When you mess up, just "fess up. Astonishing fact: "I really screwed up" is actually a thing bosses like to hear. It means they don't need to point it out." I think that is one of the hardest things to do - to acknowledge when you've made a mistake. But more importantly, for the "injured party" to accept your apology and move on. Life is TOO SHORT to hold grudges!!
"Believe half of what you read on the Internet and a quarter of what you hear on Talk Radio. Do your own thinking." That goes for all these e-mails we continue to get that are "urban myths". Doesn't anyone ever check them out before mass sending them to everyone they know???
"Make a million mistakes, but get this one right: Marry the right person." Amen to this one! I have been married to the same wonderful man for 35 years. Yes, we've had our ups and downs, but we've always stood by each other and loved each other. Thank you, God, for helping me find this wonderful husband and father.
That's all for now. I will continue with this article tomorrow! Enjoy!

Friday, May 23, 2008
Glorious Summer Day!

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Note Pad Holder

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
And the winner is ...... DAVID COOK
“I started this season much to Simon’s chagrin as the ‘word nerd,’ ” he said. “I’m at a loss for words. Thank you guys. This is amazing.” Overall, it’s an emotionally satisfying ending with the top 12 standing on that stage behind the judge’s table with Cook. He has his arms around Archuleta. Class act, sharing the spotlight. And the brother who convinced him to audition joined him on stage earlier, too along with his mom. I loved that part! He allowed his Mom to be a part of this important event in his life.
We were recording the show so we wouldn't have to sit through all the commercials (and ended up missing the Guitar Hero one done by David C - saw David A's though - pretty funny!) But, luckily, we caught up with the recording and ended up watching the last 30 minutes or so live. If not, we would have missed the end!! Can't believe after sitting through 2 hours, they wait until one minute before the end to announce the winner and then have to go over. My daughter called and she was TiVo'ing it. Her TiVo cut off as soon as Ryan said "the winner is David Cook". She didn't get to see his reaction or hear the song at the end. I would be pissed!!!
Well, now I'll just have to wait for Idol to come on again NEXT YEAR!!!
In the meantime, I'll be watching Nashville Stars when it starts in June. It's pretty good.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
David vs David

Sunday, May 18, 2008
Watching hockey and doing challenges!
Here's a new site, Stamp Something, I discovered that is giving away Blog Candy for their challenge. I needed a thank you card anyway plus I am doing this card for a swap. So I am killing two birds with one stone. (Yes, Ashley, I got that saying right!!) I used my favorite background stamp from Stampin' Up - Riot of Petals, this time just highlighting one of the flowers. I "coluzzeled 2 circles - one in Soft Sky and the other in Chocolate Chip. I stamped the flower on the Soft Sky (In Color) circle in Chocolate Chip ink. Then I rubbed Groovy Guava around the edges and matted it on the Choc. Chip circle. The card is made from Choc. Chip and layered with Groovy Guava textured cardstock. Then on top of that is another piece of Choc. Chip with a piece of designer paper from our mini catalog - Tea Garden. This paper is just gorgeous! I used my Corner Rounder to round the corners. I stamped "thank you" (from All Holidays) onto G.Guava and used my oval punch to punch it out and mat onto a Choc Chip piece punched out with the large oval punch. In the bottom corner I stamped "Love ... Laugh" (from our Hostess set - Make It Count) and matted it onto a Choc Chip circle. To finish it off, I doodled all the edges with a white gel pen.


Challenge Card
I used the simple flower from Embrace Life (SU) which I think is one my favorite floral stamp sets. I watercolored the flowers and matted them with Regal Rose. The card uses Pretty in Pink and is embossed with one of my new Cuttlebug folders. Then I just weaved a ribbon - lime organdy - behind and on top of the flowers. Pretty simple!

Beautiful Days on the Lake

Saturday, May 17, 2008
Watching the Sunrise

Get up early and enjoy a sunrise and comment here to tell me about it!

True Friend Mother's Day

Thursday, May 15, 2008
Cards I've Received This Week

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
And the winner is .... DAVID!

Countdown for American Idol
''And So It Goes,'' Billy Joel ''With You,'' Chris Brown ''Longer,'' Dan Fogelberg
''If I Ain't Got You,'' Alicia Keys ' 'Fever,'' Peggy Lee ''Hit Me Up,'' Gia Farrell
''The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face,'' Roberta Flack ''Dare You to Move,'' Switchfoot
''I Don't Want to Miss a Thing,'' Aerosmith
My take on it is that David Cook is "da bomb" as Randy loves to say!
In the first round of songs which the judges picked, I really liked all three about the same. None of them made me jump up and down. David A. still had the squinty eyes - maybe he thinks they are "bedroom eyes" but he is just too young to pull that off!! I thought Syesha looked fabulous. The stylists have really made her shine. David Cook's rendition of "The First Time Ever..." was good - that is one of my favorite songs. (Interesting choice that Simon would pick that for him though but maybe because his discovery, Leona Lewis, also recorded it.) So the first round was a tie for me.
The second round ... poor David A. is trying to be hip. The little Utah kid just doesn't pull it off, ya know "my boo"???? But the little teeney-boppers in the audience loved it (or just him!) I didn't think Syesha's rendition of Fever was as bad as the judges did. I think her niche is going to be Broadway and that is what she was trying for. But, again, she looked great - just glad she didn't try to sit in that chair - don't think her dress would have covered up all her parts, ya know?! The song David C. sang I had never heard of or the band. It was all right to me. So, again, no clear winner on round two for me.
Now, the third round ... David did a good job with Dan Fogelberg's ballad. (Actually when they said what had been picked for him, I thought they meant Dan Fogarty - I was waiting for the rock and roll to begin!!) If he would just open his eyes!! Poor Syesha - a song from Happy Feet??? I didn't know that song and I don't think she did either. Do you think the producers had already written her off and so didn't try too hard to find a good song for her? It sure got Simon's knickers in a twist! He thought she was singing about penguins!! Then, in my opinion, they saved the best for last. David Cook! He was great with Aerosmith's song. It just ended too quick. I could listen to him the whole show.
Let's hope next week they are given better material to work with. I think this week they did the best with what they were given, but the songs they were given weren't for their individual strengths. I'm wondering if David A. was purposely given some weak songs for him so he wouldn't shine - then the producers won't have to deal with his father if he is voted American Idol. Evidently, David's dad cost the show quite a bit of money in royalties when he switched up some lyrics last week after he was told not to. Daddy Dearest was booted off the set this week.
What will tonight bring? I'm sure it will just be a formality when Syesha will be packing her bags. She's had a good run and she will do fine on her own. She just needs to go to New York and get on Broadway. I think David Cook is the winner of American Idol but I don't know if I really want that. I almost think he would do better for himself as runner up and not have to get tied into the American Idol contract and lose his originality. Doesn't seem like those winners do well (except of course, Carrie Underwood and a few others). But, look at how well Daughtery has done on his own. I think that could be David Cook's future also. David A. could use the shelter of American Idol to groom him into a star. Right now, he's just a kid who has an amazing voice. But who knows what surprises may await us. Could David A. get voted off tonight??? That would be a shocker, for sure!!
Stay tuned!

Monday, May 12, 2008
Spam in Hawaii!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day to all Moms

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Pearl Harbor

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Cards I've Made

Monday, May 5, 2008
Father's Day is Coming

Sunday, May 4, 2008
Sunset in Hawaii

Spring Has Sprung - Journal It!

Saturday, May 3, 2008
Hawaii Flowers

Hawaii picture

Stampin' Up Specials for May
Also, another special - From May 1 through May 31, when you purchase a Cutting Mat (p. 184), you'll receive a FREE Hobby Blade with five refill blades (p. 184)--a $4.50 value! The Cutting Combo Pack is a great tool for cutting card stock and Designer Series paper to layer over Stampin' Up!'s On Board chipboard products. Use combo pack item number 113421 when placing your order to receive the free blade.
Contact me to place an order.

Friday, May 2, 2008
Hawaii Bound