Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Unwelcome Guests

We have had a couple of unwelcome guests at our house the past few days.  On Monday, Sonny went into the downstairs bathroom to discover the first guest .... a mouse.  After chasing it into the pantry, he ended up sucking it up with his shop vacuum!  (yeah - yuck!)  So we called our pest service.  We have monthly pest control visits since we live in a wooded area and have mice quite often - but usually not where I can see them!  When he went under the house to spray, he pulled out a HUGE black snake skin!  I know they are supposed to be a "good" snake but to me, a good snake is a dead snake! 

I can't even imagine what I would have done, if I had seen ths snake in the yard - with or without it's skin!!

So, when are you coming for a visit????

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