Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Hornet nest anyone?

Anyone who has lived in North Carolina any length of time has probably seen a hornets nest. I just discovered a huge one in a corner of our roof. The exterminator will be here tomorrow!! But, I'd really like to preserve it! Don't think that's gonna happen though. This nest is about 10-12" in diameter from my best judgement. I climbed up on a ladder today to snap this picture. My daughter is coming for a visit soon and she is deathly afraid of bees, hornets, etc. so we figured we'd better get rid of it so she could enjoy her visit and so she would come out of the house!

When we were first married, we lived in South Carolina and had a huge hornets nest growing in a pyracantha bush we had on the side of the house. My mom wanted us to preserve it for her and unbelievably, my husband did just that. (newly weds and all that - still trying to impress maybe??) My DH had me stand by the back door so he could spray the hornets and run into the house before they caught him. It was a funny sight but it worked.

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