Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Cards .... Almost Done!

I had a very productive weekend.  I got a lot of Christmas cards made.  I'll start addressing them tomorrow and maybe I'll have enough!!  Things have started to slow down for me and I don't feel so stressed about getting everything done.  I put a few decorations up last week and decorated my tree.  Now to get some shopping done!  Tomorrow is my bridge Christmas party and I have all my gifts ready to go.  Saturday night my sisters, my mom and my friend, Margaret attended a Singing Christmas Tree at a local church.  It was awesome .... in fact, I think that is what has finally put me in the Christmas spirit.  Margaret had never been to a Singing Christmas Tree before and I think she really enjoyed it.  Even my Steelers cooperated today by winning by a good margin and not stressing me out at the last minute. 

I received a couple of pretty hand-made Christmas cards this weekend and they are what inspired me also.  Margaret had given me a few sheets of designer paper from a 6x6 book that she had and they got my creative juices going.  Here are a couple of the cards I made with that paper:

 For this one I dug out Flowers for All Occasions (SU) that I bought last year and don't think I've even used it.  I colored it in Cherry Cobbler because it most matched the paper.

 This poinsetta is watercolored using SU watercolor crayons (they are available to order now!!) and my aqua pen.  They look pink but it is actually Ruby Red.  Couldn't get a good picture of it.

This card uses SU's DSP from the Holiday Mini.  The sentiment is from Best Yet (retired). 

Hope your week is wonderful.  It is going to be COLD here all week with highs in the 30's and lows in the teens.  Ashley has been getting a little cold weather over in Iraq also.  The highs for the past few days have just been in the 50's and even getting down to high 30's or low 40's at night. 

Friday, December 10, 2010

How to Achieve Inner Peace

Dr Phil proclaimed recently on his show, "The way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you have started and have never finished." 

So, I looked around my house to see all the things I started and hadn't finished, and before leaving the house this morning, I finished off a bottle of White Zinfandel, a bottle of Bailey's Irish Cream, a package of Oreos, the remainder of my old Prozac prescription, the rest of the cheesecake, some Doritos,  a box of chocolates, and a half bottle of rum .

You have no idea how good I feel right now!!

Seriously ... I did finish up some Christmas cards that were on my desk in bits and pieces and I do feel good about that.  Hope you feel good about them too!

 This is a stamp that I have had 6-7 years and probably only used it once or twice.  I bought it when we still lived in Washington - before I became a Stampin' Up demonstrator.  I decided to blow off the dust and use it tonight.  Also - how long has it been since you used your deckle scissors????  I can't believe I could still find mine, but they look ok on this card I think.  You can't tell from the picture but I stamped the image twice - once in Garden Green ink and a second time in black ink.  I cut out the trees and snowman (black ink) and glued them on the larger green stamped piece.

 These cards are left over bits I found from a class I taught at Stampers Alley last year.  It was a One Sheet Wonder class but I didn't have the bits of paper from the One Sheet Wonder so I found these scraps of DSP on my cutting table and used them instead.

 More cards left over from the One Sheet Wonder class.  I cut these vintage pieces out of some DSP that I found in my closet.  Use up your scraps and see what you can create!

Another from the One Sheet Wonder bunch.  Those are some bright green trees, don't you think?
So I hope these give you some inspiration to look around at what you have sitting in your scrap pile or even on your desk that you can put to good use on a card and bring yourself "inner peace."

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Whirlwind of the Christmas Season

It's that time of the year - when the faster I go, the behinder I get!!  I have been furiously working trying to get everything made and my Christmas cards done.  The past two days I have made 8 Christmas Planners.  I wanted to put them in the bags for my Stamp Club ladies.  Unfortunately, I have already put them in the bags and they are ready to be delivered.  I forgot to take pictures!!  Take my word for it - they are really cute! 

My bridge Christmas party is Monday.  I wanted to decorate some of those calendar planners that you can get at M's.  But, when I went to buy them on Monday, they only had 1 calendar left!  I can't believe it!  Usually you can find those calendars all year long.  My friend, Margaret, is coming this week to visit so I asked her to check with her "M" store there in Texas but they were sold out too.  So, when I couldn't find the planners, I bought all the little 3" square tins that they had which were 14.  I am in the process of making little note cards to put inside of them.  Of course, wouldn't you know it, all I bought were 14 and there will be 15 at bridge (16 counting me).  Luckily, I happened to have a larger rectangle Christmas tin that I will fix up for the hostess.  She always has our Christmas party at her house so she deserves a little treat. 

Tomorrow is my Mahjong Christmas party.  I decided not to do anything for everyone there - just not enough time.  Plus, there is an overlap of people at Southern Living Luncheon (last week) and bridge and mahjong.

Margaret and Graham are arriving here tomorrow.  They are visiting their daughter and grandson today.  So, hopefully we will have a little time to make a few Christmas cards.  We are going to the Singing Christmas Tree in Mooresville (Berea Baptist Church) on Saturday with my mom and sisters.  Then we'll be headed to Big Al's on Sunday for the football game. 

I probably won't have a chance to post anything until Sunday or Monday.  Don't give up on me! 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Over the Top Decorating

Sunday a couple of friends and I went on a Christmas Tour of Homes in my neighborhood.  Wow! is all I can say.  The four houses were decorated to the max.  They were all done in different styles - Traditional, Eclectric, Lodge, and Tuscany.  I was in awe and hated to come back home and think about decorating my home for Christmas. 

The Tuscany home was just too much to me though - not necessarily the decorations but the home itself.  Sonny and I had gone through the home a few times when it was under construction a couple of years ago.  Keep in mind there are just two people living in the home.  It was three stories.  Downstairs there was a den, two bedrooms, huge "mudroom", full bar, wine cellar, and a media room with copper ceiling.  All the doors downstairs were at least 8 feet tall - maybe even 10 feet - I'm not good with that and made of cypress wood.  They were gorgeous but $$$.  Everything in the home was massive and just over the top - probably at least a two million dollar home.  The home next door to them has been for sale for over a year - it started out at 1.9 million - don't know what they are asking now though.

These art pieces were in two of the homes.  They used old pieces of jewelry to create a Christmas tree.  I'm going to start searching through my family's old jewelry pieces and make one of my own!


This was a centerpiece in the dining room at the tradional home.  The "presents" are styrofoam blocks covered in moss and wrapped with beautiful ribbon.  So easy!

This Christmas tree was upstairs in the traditional home (my favorite).  The toys were a step back in time.
I thought this snowman collections was really cute.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Cards

I watched the Steelers last night pull off a nail biter!  Our quarterback was in the game with a broken bone in his foot so he had a special shoe on and then in one of the first plays, he broke his nose!  But that didn't keep him from a victory.  What was so neat though was at the last 2 minutes when we intercepted the Ravens and finally went ahead, I "skyped" Ashley and we  watched the game together for a few minutes.  Then we were afraid we would jinx our winning, so we signed off but she called me back 2 minutes later when we WON!   She went to bed early Sunday so she could get up at 4 am to watch the game.  That's a fan for you!!  When I called her, it was 7:30 for her - she had to be at work at 8.  Luckily, the game was over in time.

OK - here are some of the Christmas cards I made on Saturday.  Hope these give you some inspiration making your cards.

For this card, I used Circle Circus.  I'd been thinking about this stamp set and wanted to see if I could use it to make a Christmas card.  Not bad, if I do say so myself!  I stamped the different circles in Real Red, Crumb Cake and Garden Green.  Then I punched the circles from red and green cardstock with the 3/4" circle punch.  The red dot on each one is Liquid Pearl.  The base card is Crumb Cake.

 The pink striped ribbon was the reason for this card.  I just got this ribbon last week and wanted to use it.  I stamped the Pretty in Pink rectangle just using an acrylic stamping block.  Just ink up the block and stamp it on your cardstock.  The ornament is from Delightful Decorations (pg 35).  I inked it in Basic Gray and punched it out with the Ornament Punch.  The base card is Pretty in Pink.

 This card was an experiment!  I stamped the blue cardstock with snowflakes in Versamark.  Then I clear embossed some of them and put white embossing powder on some.  Then Isponged different shades of blue ink over them.  I embossed a strip of green cardstock with snowflakes and wrapped it with the red checked ribbon.  On the ribbon, I sewed a basting stitch down the middle and gathered it.  I put little red rhinestones in the centers of some of the snowflakes.

 This was a super simple card!  I just stamped Peace On Earth (from Holiday Mini - hostess set) onto a piece of the Deck the Halls DSP (from the Holiday Mini catalog) and adhered it to a Always Artichoke card base.  This is just gorgeous paper and makes it so easy!

This is another piece of DSP from Deck the Halls.  The card base is Cherry Cobbler (I think my favorite color!).  I used Spellbinders Circles and my Big Shot to cut out the Always Artichoke scallop circle and Crumb Cake circle.  I stamped the "Dec 25" stamp (from Tags Till Christmas in the Holiday Mini) twice - once in Artichoke and the second time - only Dec 25 - in Cherry Cobbler.  I punched the Artichoke piece with the Decorative Label Extra Large punch and the "dec 25" piece with the oval punch.  The Cherry Cobbler piece is punched with the Scallop Oval.  I punched a white snowflake.  The little flower in the center is made by taking about a 5" piece of Cherry Cobbler Seam Binding (holiday mini) and sewing down one side; pull the thread tight until you form a flower.  Glue it down and add a pearl to the center and Cherry Cobbler Seam Binding at the bottom.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A Productive Day!

I stuck to my guns on Saturday and stamped all day!  Oh what fun!  Of course, I had to take a little time in the morning to chat with Ashley.  Skype is such a wonderful thing!  We probably talk to each other as much now as we did when she was state-side.  Although this week, we have both been busy and haven't chatted in several days.  We made up for it yesterday though!  She is doing well and making the most of her life in Iraq.  She went to a "Hail and Farewell" one day this week.  All the companies put on skits where they make fun of something (or someone) there and the company who does the best gets to reward the "prize" to the person who was the butt of the joke in their skit.  Ashley's group won this time.  She says they never win and usually end up getting the booby prize.  In their skit, they did it all about the Captain who is in charge of the dining facility.  It seems that she practically strip searches the soldiers as they are leaving because you can only take 2 items out of the cafeteria.  If you can't make it to a meal (which in the doctors' case, is quite a lot since they are on call every other day until 8 pm), you can't have someone bring you a meal.  UNLESS, you have filled out the forms - a month in advance - and presented them to the captain in advance AND she hasn't lost them (which is the case for this month!).  Crazy, huh??  The forms have to be signed by a LT. Col and a couple of others.  Ashley said a couple of days ago, she & the the LT. Col. were at dinner and tried to take a meal back to one of the medics.  They were not allowed to because their forms had been lost - even though the LT. Col. who would have signed the memo was the one making the request.  Needless to say, Ashley eats a lot of her meals in her room - things we have sent her like mac & cheese, pretzels, with mustard, popcorn, etc.  Another problem with the mess hall is she has to be dressed in her uniform in order to go in to eat.  The gym is right next door and Ashley does Yoga there several times a week and doesn't usually want to get dressed again just to go in the cafeteria.  They are not allowed to go in with just their work out clothes (shorts & tee) on.  You would think this was some fancy restaurant - not an Army Mess Hall!!  One of the drawbacks to Ashley eating in her room (in my opinion!) is she is eating way too many carbs.  Even she remarked yesterday about it.  It is hard to think of things to send that she can microwave in her room that are not carb-packed.  Any suggestions out there?  I am sending a stick of pepperoni this week and suggested to a friend to send a stick of summer sausage.  I actually sneaked a few oranges in her box last week.  I forgot you can't send fruit overseas and was afraid it would get stuck in Customs.  But she received the box in the usual time.  It is great that it only takes about a week to get a Priority box to her!  Her birthday is December 22 so I will be getting a birthday box together this week.

While I was working away, my DH hollered up to me to look out the window.  To my surprise, this is what I saw:

 SNOW!!  We had a few flurries - mixed in with sleet off and on for about an hour.  Nothing stuck of course but it was sure fun to see!

Now - on to my creations!  I actually did several Christmas cards AND several Valentine cards!  During my blog reading last week, I came across one of my favorite designers, Gretchen Barron's request for Valentine cards for From Our Hearts who are collecting Valentine cards for the troops in Iraq and Afganistan.  You can read about it - and Gretchen's contest - HERE.  So before I got started with my Christmas cards, I whipped up a few Valentines.  They are pretty simple - using some DSP I had in my stash and/or some embossed cards I have had for a long time.

 This Hugs & Kisses card uses some DSP that I found in a pack.  I just added the Hugs & Kisses sentiment.

 This is an embossed card that I have had for over 5 years  - I made two of them and finally have used up those cards!  I used markers to color the LOVE and chalked the background in pink.

 Another of those embossed cards.  I stamped "miss U" with a retired SU set (All About You) and punched out some little hearts and glued them over the embossed hearts.

Another piece of DSP from a pack I found.  I stamped the boat onto cardstock and colored it with markers.  This is another SU retired set - Boatloads of Love.

Do you notice a theme?  I have my SU stamp sets on shelves in loose alpha order.  I started with the top shelf (A-D) and pulled stamp sets that I could use in Valentine and Christmas cards.  I am trying to use some of my neglected stamp sets!  Tomorrow I will share the Christmas cards I made so come back!!

Gotta run so I can decorate my tree before I attend an Open House Tour in my neighborhood.  There will be four houses in the tour all decorated for Christmas with different themes.  There will be appetizers and wine at each home.  The proceeds will go toward a Palliative CareCenter & Hospice that will be built soon in my town.  Then back home to get dinner ready so we can eat in front of the TV tonight while pulling on our Steelers in a TOUGH game!! 

Another Holiday Planner Winner

Since I never heard from Becka who was one of the winners of my blog candy, I picked another number today.  The winner is:  Cindylu2u

 Cindylu2u said:
I'm just in awe of your work, fantastic cards!! I am now a follower and can't wait to see more!! Thanks

November 28, 2010 1:50 PM

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2010-12-05 15:49:38 UTC


Contact me Cindy and I will send you one of the Holiday Planners!  Congratulations!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

As Promised - Christmas Cards

Best plans .... you know what they say!  My plan for today was  to stay home and work on Christmas cards.  Well .... didn't happen!  I got an e-mail from a friend this morning asking me if I would come and help out at Christian Missions sorting through our angel gifts we had collected for under-privileged children.  Unfortunately, the way the program was run this year (through Newcomers) was not good.  The gal in charge didn't quite understand how it all worked.  So, some children in the same family were receiving 4-5 packages while others in the family were only receiving 1-2.  And remember - we collected about 85 gifts!  But we got it all sorted out this afternoon - taking from some and giving to others and going to the store to supplement a few.  I think it will all be good and a lot of children will be happy at Christmas.  So that was my afternoon.  My morning was spent on the phone with Social Security trying to sort out my benefits.  I have an appointment next week in Hickory at the Social Security office and hopefully, will get it all sorted out.  I was told to bring my marriage license!  After 37 years, I was a little worried about that one.  But, never fear, my husband is a great one for putting everything in its place and even knowing where it is so he was able to find it. 

After dinner, I found time to make a couple of cards and hopefully, tomorrow, I will make a bunch more!!  I received my first Christmas cards today so I've gotta get cracking!!  It's supposed to be cold here for the next several days - the highs only in the low to mid 40's all week - so it will be good weather to stay inside and get some things done.  I opened the box the Christmas tree was in today and put it up but I haven't done anything else to it!  We got a new tree last week - just a small 5" artificial tree but the best thing is, it is PRE LIT!!  I love it - I don't have to fight with the cords - or with my husband - to put the lights on!!  He was thrilled tonight too when he came to dinner & saw a lit tree.

Isn't this adorable?  I CASE'd this from a card that was sent to me last year.   I just used the SU Square Punches for his body and used my Copics to draw on his eyes, nose, etc.  The brown pieces are Early Espresso and Soft Suede punched with the Word Window Punch.
This cute little guy is a retired SU stamp - Twigster.  I found the background paper in my stash.  I used my Big Shot and Spellbinders for the circles.  The paper is Poppy Parade (SU Incolor).

Thursday, December 2, 2010

It's that busy time of year

Another busy day today - but think most people's calendars get pretty full this time of year.  I'm hoping to stay home tomorrow and work on Christmas cards!!  I went to a Southern Living Luncheon today.  We had 12 ladies there and great food.  We each made something from the Oct, Nov or Dec issue of Southern Living.  Yum!!  We had appetizers - meatballs & bruschetta; 2 salads - a pear and lettuce salad and another one with broccoli, cheese, mayo, cauliflower; potato-onion soup; 2 kinds of bread - Sour Cream Cornbread (my contribution) and Jordan yeast rolls; ham and sweet potatoes.  Then of course we had to finish it off with 2 desserts - a fruit tart and apple cake.  Needless to way, I could have waddled home!!  Luckily, we only have these luncheons every 3 months so we can diet in between.  I made little favors for everyone as seen below.  I used the cute Candy Wrapper Die from the Holiday Mini (it will be carried over after Christmas!)  I put a couple of chocolate nuggets in the box and they looked so cute on the table.

Didn't the table look nice and festive?

She had her tree - and entire house decorated and ready for Christmas.  I haven't even started ....what about you?  After lunch we did a Chinese gift exchange.  I received a set of cocktail plates and holiday napkins.

This evening we met my mom in Mooresville for a Christmas dinner/party with her Blind Association group.  Our family was well represented with mom, my sister, Angela, my sister, Marianne & her husband and me and my hubbie.  My mom is legally blind - she has Retinosa Pigmentosa.  They also did a Chinese Gift Exchange.  Since, I didn't go home after our luncheon to get my gift for the exchange, I used the gift I'd received earlier in the day.  So, when my number came up, the gift was still available, I picked it and hoped no one would "steal" it from me.  Well .... I should have known - my sister, Marianne, stole it!!  So I got to pick another gift.  Unknowingly, I picked the gift she had brought - a cute pair of soft slipper socks with a cute reindeer on them.  When we left, she gave me back my gift - I would use them more than she would.  She just stole it to "get my goat!"

I promise - I'll have some cards to share with you tomorrow!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010



Welcome to my first Blog Giveaway!!  I was blown away by all the wonderful comments I received in my Blog Hop.  So I decided to do THREE give-aways instead of two!   

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
28 42 36 
Timestamp: 2010-11-30 22:36:18 UTC
Winner of Tag Holder and Tags:  
 CardMonkey said...
Love, love, LOVE your cards! Beautiful and inspirational. I am now a proud follower! Merry Christmas and happy New Year, with all the blessings of good health and prosperity to you and your family.

Winner of Holiday Planner #1: 
scrapperbecka said...
Very cute cards! You did a awesome job! I am now a follower, love your work.

Winner of Holiday Planner #2:  Giselle Varela
Giselle said...i love all of your projects. New follower :) the planner is soooooooooooooooooo beautiful!!

Contact me with your mailing address and I will get your goodies in the mail to you!  If I do not hear from you by December 5 (Sunday), I will draw more names.
