OK - I'm waiting for my mom to wake up so have a few minutes to tell you all about the wedding we attended last week. For those of you who don't know, my nephew got married and they chose a CARNIVAL theme for the wedding. A little different and I was really interested to see how they pulled it off. The wedding invitations were really cute - using a carnival type font in Brillant Blue with a belly-band wrapped around it. I think the only drawback to the whole thing was that it was held outside and it was HOT! The location was near downtown Austin so there wasn't a lot of breeze blowing. When we returned to our hotel that night at midnight, it was still 85 degrees so you can imagine how hot it was (90's) at 6:30! Anyway, it is easier to explain it to you with the pictures.
This was at the Rehearsal Lunch which was held at a restaurant (outside of course!) last Thursday. This is the groom, me, Ashley and my neice, Melinda. Ashley, Sonny & I arrived early and decorated the tables with confetti and the carnival collage of pictures I had made. We ended up supporting the pictures with empty bottles with mini multi-colored slinkies on them so they would look like the ring toss bottles that you see in carnivals. It was cute until the kids that were there took all the slinkies!!
Ashley with my nephews. Jake was an usher and Zach was the ring bearer. They have on seersucker suits!
For the ceremony, we sat on hay bales that were covered with patchwork quilts. There were jars with flowers in them on shepherd hooks down the center aisle.
After the ceremony, tables were set up for seating although not many people sat for too long. The heat was pretty well trapped in there! But the tables were decorated nicely with big rolls of tickets with jars holding flowers on top of them.
These were the table centerpiences.
This is a table tiered with candy apples! What a great idea. On each candy apple, was a tag with your name and table assignment.
A unique wedding cake!
This was the groom's cake. My nephew is a big football fan .... unfortunately, he pulls for the wrong team (Dallas Cowboys) but guess I can't hold that against him!! We give him plenty of grief for sure.
This was a wonderful idea and a great hit with the kids! All different kinds of candies and little baggies with the happy couple's name on it and little twist ties so you could bag your own candy. Above the table was a banner that read "Balloon Express." My sister (groom's mother) owned a store years ago called The Balloon Express in Vernon, Texas. She sold all kinds of candies and did a balloon delivery service. She died 2 1/2 years ago so this display was a surprise to all of us. It was definitely bitter-sweet and really got to my brother in law.
After the ceremony, waiters walked around serving mini corny dogs and there were machines dispensing cotton candy, soft pretzels, and popcorn. For dinner there was a buffet serving Chicago Hot Dogs with all the fixins', pizza, fried pickles, macaroni and cheese and sliders. Not your normal wedding reception fare!
The bride is wiping the sweat off the groom - it was pouring down his face!
They also had a photo booth available for taking pictures. It dispensed 2 sets of the the pictures - one for you to keep and the other to go in a keepsake book for the couple. Another great idea. They had props for you to wear if you wanted to in the pictures - like fake mustach, boas, hats, etc. Really cute. They didn't do the traditional bouquet toss or garter mainly because Katrina forgot to put the garter on. Why should they? Nothing else was traditional???! When they were ready to leave, we all had sparklers to light instead of throwing bird seed or rice.
Jack and Kat's wedding was on Friday night. On Saturday, my neice had a "going away" party at her home for the couple (although they are waiting until August to go away on their honeymoon since they ran out of money!) She served breakfast tacos, doughnuts, kolaches, bloody mary's, and mimosas. We left around noon to drive back to Ashley's house, taking Melinda's two boys with us. I understand the party continued on much later than was planned!
Jack, Katrina and Melinda - the bride & groom are opening their wedding gifts that were brought to the wedding Friday night.
We drove back to Austin on Sunday, dropped Melinda's boys off to her and continued on to Georgetown (north of Austin) for a second wedding of a dear friend of ours. It was a bit more traditional. It was also held outside but because of being outside the city, it was much cooler. Plus, they had fans all around (which Sonny pretty much parked himself in front of!) The bride was beautiful and beaming. We are good friends with her and her family and were able to see a lot of our old Coppell friends that we had not seen in quite some time. The cutest thing at this wedding was when the groom said "I DO", the bride turned to the crowd and exclaimed "HE DOES!!" The whole place cracked up. Also when she was walking down the aisle on her daddy's arm, I heard her say to him, "Daddy, everyone's crying!" Yes, I was crying - she looked so beautiful.
Sonny has always called her "PITA" (pain in the butt) so this was a fitting picture of the two of them. Plus, he dared me to put this on my blog!
I was having fun! This is an old high school buddy of my son's who still calls me "Mom"! He introduced me all night as his mom.