Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Blog Candy

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Red Cross can help
Last night after dinner, Sonny and I were just settling in to catch up on some tv shows we'd taped and had just finished scooping our ice cream in our bowls when we got a call from the Red Cross DAT (disaster) team leader. We are volunteers for the DAT team and have been for almost a year but have never been called to a disaster. Every few months, we have the DAT bag for the week and are "on call" but the pager has never gone off. We figured it really didn't work!! The gal who had the bag this week knew we had never gone out so when she got the call, she called us to assist her ... plus the house fire was in Troutman which is not too far from us. By the time we got there (about 11 pm) there were about 5-6 firetrucks and numerous other vehicles. The fire had been put out but the double-wide trailer was demolished. The poor lady who lived alone luckily was not at home when the fire started. She is 56 years old and has a lot of health issues. Poor thing was just so upset. The worst part was she had no insurance!! How can people do that?? She had lived there for 22 years and everything she owned is now gone. Every few minutes she'd cry out about something that had perished .... from her church clothes, her hats, her 27 wigs, a whole library of old books and the paperwork she had started to get her GED. She told us she was always the one who helped her family out when they needed something. She said she used to pay into the United Way when she worked and never dreamed one of those types of services would one day be assisting her. The Red Cross can't do as much as it once could due to the recession but we were able to give her a debit card with money on it for food, clothing and three days in a motel. We told her when she found an apartment or somewhere to live, we would pay her first month's rent also.
All day today I have thought about this poor lady and gone back and forth from feeling sorry to other thoughts. And here are my reasons. Last night while talking to the client, she told me she had just pawned her jewelry so she could buy a VCR/DVD combo and hadn't even watched it once .... on her flat screen TV that she bought this year. She said she had a 72" TV that she had bought in 2007. She had muscle/nerve damage to her arm and told me she has gone to therapy a few times for it and was supposed to go more often, but it was too expensive - they want $50 for therapy! Hello??? You can afford the tv, DVD, etc. but not do the things the dr advises to make you feel better. I know everyone has the right to spend their money the way they see fit (even our government!!) but I just have to shake my head. My friend at Red Cross told me the client called today with many questions regarding more assistance and wanted to know if the Red Cross would pay a downpayment on a new trailer to put on her lot!!
The Red Cross is a great organization and is there to help in times of need. If you like to help people, I urge you to consider volunteering with the Red Cross. They provide all the training you need so you will be ready to respond to disasters, work at blood drives, deliver messages to US Service personnel, re-connect families that have been displaced. My husband drives a Red Cross van each week taking people in our community to doctor appointment, dialysis, etc.
Here are some Red Cross facts for you:
Volunteers constitute 96 percent of the total work force to carry on their humanitarian work:
Every year the Red Cross responds to more than 70,000 disasters—including approximately 150 home fires every day.
About 11 million Americans turn to them to learn first aid, CPR, swimming, and other health and safety skills. Last year, more than 158,000 people volunteered to teach those courses.
Half the nation's blood supply— six million pints annually—is collected by more than 155,000 Red Cross volunteers .
Among their emergency services for the men and women of the armed forces is the delivery of urgent family messages—around the clock and around the globe.
More than 30,900 volunteers serve as chairs, members of boards of directors, or on advisory boards for local Red Cross units - chapters, Blood Services regions, and military stations.
As part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, Red Cross reconnects more than 8,000 families separated by conflicts and disasters around the world through international tracking services and Red Cross messages.
Tonight my sisters, mom and Sonny and I went to downtown Charlotte to the Levine Museum of the South for a program about Hurricane Hugo. Hugo hit the Charlotte area 20 years ago. I didn't live here at the time, but my family all lived in Charlotte and still have nightmares about that storm. Hugo ranked as the eleventh most intense hurricane at time of landfall to strike U.S. this century and is rated as the second costliest hurricane with over $7 billion in damages. Hugo's storm surge was the highest ever recorded on the East Coast. It was estimated at 20 feet just north of Charleston. Hugo's 150 mile wide swath destroyed about one billion board feet of timber and resulted in major damage hundreds of miles inland. The total number of deaths associated with Hurricane Hugo is 82. The exhibit was sponsored by the Red Cross which I didn't know until shortly before we went tonight. It was a very interesting exhibit. I thought it would have been much larger, but they did a good job with what they did have.
Tomorrow will be a little more slow paced! I'll be hiding away to eat my meals though! Sonny is scheduled for a routine colonosophy on Thursday so tomorrow will be a liquid diet for him.

Sunday, September 27, 2009
More Swaps
Someone out there is NOT pulling for my Steelers! Can't believe we lost that game today in the last 2 minutes! GRRRRR Guess we won't be going back to the Super Bowl this year.
Here are a few more of the swap cards I received.

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Gargage Sales and Christmas Cards
This one was the one I demo-ed:

Friday, September 25, 2009
Chick Fil A .... Hungry Girl Style
1/3 C Fiber One bran cereal (original)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Swaps - part 2
Here are a few more swap cards to share with you.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Another Swap

Monday, September 21, 2009
Monday Mailer, Oct week #3
What do you think? The Medallion stamp is the top seller for Stampin' Up!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009
Stamp Sale
My neighborhood in Sherrills Ford is having it's annual Block/Garage Sale next weekend. I will have a table set up at the clubhouse selling some of my stamps and some fiction books. All of the stamps are Stampin' Up unless they are listed differently. I am listing the stamps below that I will have in the sale. If you are interested in any of these stamps, let me know and I will "make you a deal!"
A Beautiful Thing $10.00
A Light Heart $10.00
All About Occasions $5.00
Alpha Bits (AM) $7.00
Be Happy $10.00
Birthday Whimsey $5.00 (never been used)
book - creative lettering $4.00
Event Full $10.00
Background: Fine Lace $8.00
Friendship Blooms $8.00
Hero Arts Shadow Stamps (set 6) $10.00
Hero Arts Wavy Autumn Wishes (set 6) $10.00
It's All Good $6.00
Little Bit of Happiness $10.00
Lots of Thoughts $6.00
Mini Scor It $20.00
Polka Dots & Paisley $8.00
Reverse Prints (AM) $8.00
Simply Said $12.00
Sketch It $15.00
Stars & Swirls (AM) $5.00
Stipple Celeb $12
Sweet Dreams $12.00
Sweet Shapes $10.00
Text & Texture $10.00
Wishing You the Best $5.00
Background: Word by Word $8.00

Saturday, September 19, 2009
No More Light
I remember my Great Aunt Lou watching soap operas - Guiding Light, As the World Turns and Edge of Night. How many of you watched these shows with grandmothers, moms, aunts, etc? They were real to them. Well, today I feel like I lost part of my family. Guiding Light reminded us every day that family is where the heart is, or where it should be.
The family at the core of the show was the Bauers, but over the decades the Spaulding, Lewis and Cooper clans also have helped populate the mythical towns where the drama took place. I have loved with them, laughed with them, celebrated with them and cried with them through their own life events year after year. I have grown up with those characters, so it's very easy for us fans to feel as if we know them and think of them as part of our families. When it's off, we will grieve and miss them.
Along with veteran cast members, the show played host to many actors who left to find larger stardom elsewhere. These include Kevin Bacon, JoBeth Williams, James Earl Jones, Allison Janney, Brittany Snow, Hayden Panettiere and Melina Kanakaredes.
Considering the years the show had leading up to cancellation ... talk about some low points. From Josh and Cassie to Grady Foley and everything in between, I honestly considered taking a break from the show because I couldn't stand to see it be destroyed any longer. Obviously that didn't happen, and the show eventually made a huge turn around starting with the events surrounding Coop's death and Phillip's return. Things were truly looking up for Guiding Light and then the rug was pulled out from under them.
To the writers credit, they did a good job these past couple of weeks "tying up all the loose ends." I can't say that I was thrilled with .... oops can't say what happened. My daughter is also a big fan of the show - she grew up watching it with me!! She is visiting her cousin this weekend and hasn't seen the final shows.
Guess I'll have an extra hour in my day now to be creative. But, I'll sure miss that beacon of light that guided those actors each day.

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Live today to the fullest because tomorrow is not promised
One day a woman's husband died, and on that clear, cold morning, in the warmth of their bedroom, the wife was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn't "anymore".
No more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate together, no more phone calls just to chat, no more "just one minute."
Sometimes, what we care about the most gets all used up and goes away, never to return before we can say good-bye, say "I love you."
So while we have it, it's best we love it, care for it, fix it when it's broken and heal it when it's sick.
This is true for marriage ......And old cars .. And children with bad report cards ... And dogs with bad hips ...And aging parents and grandparents.
We keep them because they are worth it, because we are worth it.
Some things we keep -- like a best friend who moved away or a sister-in-law after divorce. There are just some things that make us happy, no matter what..
Life is important, like people we know who are special.. And so, we keep them close!
Suppose one morning you never wake up, do all your friends and family know you love them?
I was thinking..I could die today, tomorrow or next week, and I wondered if I had any wounds needing to be healed, friendships that needed rekindling or three words needing to be said.
Let every one of your friends and family know you love them. Even if you think they don't love you back, you would be amazed at what those three little words and a smile can do. And just in case I'm gone tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Monday Mailer - Oct. week 2
Cardstock: Dusty Durango, Only Orange; Soft Suede
Acces: Prismacolor Pencils + Gamsol for coloring; Polka Dot Grosgrain Ribbon; Top Note; Embossing Folder; Distressing tool for edges.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
More Swap Cards
CS: Basic Black, Basic Gray, Real Red
Ink: Basic Gray
Acces: Bordering Blue Watercrayon; Markers; Heart to Heart & Photo Corners punch

I'm published!!
Here's the card and the "write-up" -

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Handmade Clipboard

Saturday, September 12, 2009
Erma Bombeck weighs in!
I have dieted continuously for the last two decades and lost a total of 758 pounds. By all calculations, I should be hanging from a charm bracelet.
I have done a lot of kidding around with Weight Watchers, but it is the only organization in which I ever lost a great deal of weight. But I fought them.
Every Tuesday morning, a group of us had to "weigh in" before the lecture. Our ritual was enough to boggle the imagination. We got together a checklist of precautions before we actually stepped on the scale.
Bathroom? Check. Water pill? Check. Have you removed underwear, wedding rings, nail polish? Check. Set aside shoes and earrings? Check. Are you wearing a summer dress beneath your winter coat? Check.
The first week I stepped on the scale and my instructor said, "You have gained." (Next week, I cut my hair.)
The next week, she said, "You have lost eight ounces, but that is not enough." (I had the fillings in my teeth removed.)
The third week, I had dropped a pound, but my instructor was still not pleased. (I had my tonsils taken out.)
Finally, she really chewed me out. She accused me of not sticking to the diet and not taking it seriously. That hurt. "I didn't want to tell you," I said, "but I think I am pregnant."
"How far?" she said coldly, clicking her ballpoint pen to make a notation on my card.
"Possibly three days," I said.
She glowered. "Any other excuses?"
"Would you believe I have a cold and my head is swollen?"
"How about I was celebrating the Buzzard's Return to Hinckley, Ohio, and had butter on my popcorn?"
She tapped her pen impatiently on the card and stared at me silently.
"Lint in the navel?" I offered feebly.
"How about first one at the trough?" she asked dryly.
I learned quickly never to argue with a woman who had the scales on her side.
I saw my old instructor the other day and she eyed me carefully and said, "When are you returning to class?"
"As soon as I have my appendix removed," I said returning her gaze.
I'm not sure, but I think I heard her moan.
~~Erma Bombeck

Friday, September 11, 2009
Monday Mailer - Sept #1

Today I hope you took a moment and remembered those who lost their lives when the United States was attacked 8 years ago. I can remember where I was and what I was doing to this day. Lots of people lost their lives that day, and lots of lives were saved. Our men and women who serve to protect us ALL THE TIME day in and day out could use your thanks and prayers.
God bless America!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Mojo Monday Sketch Challenge

My swap cards

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Final 2 Swap Cards
Here's my final 2 cards from the swap.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
More Swaps for you
Here are a few more of the swaps I'd like to share with you. I hope you are enjoying them as much as I did!

Monday, September 7, 2009
President Obama's Address to Schools

Sunday, September 6, 2009
Swap Cards to Share!
So .... drum roll please ..... here are a few of them (with recipes underneath each one):

Recipe: Stamp: Friends Rock, Rockin' Wheel
CS: Elegant Eggplant, Melon Mambo, Crushed Curry, Bermuda Bay, Autumn Traditions DSP
Ink: Elegant Eggplant, Melon Mambo, In Color markers
Acces: Scallop edge punch; 1" & 1 1/4" circle punches, arrow punch, Orchard Ribbon Originals

CS: Melon Mambo; Choc Chip, Whis. White; Old Olive; Choc Chip DSP
Ink: Melon Mambo; white craft
Acces: Gold Brad; Scallop Punch; Old Olive 5/8" ribbon; 1/4" circle punch

Stampin' Up Changes

Friday, September 4, 2009
Holiday Mini Catalog
I'm thrilled to announce that the Holiday Mini Catalog 2009 is here! This mini isn't so mini — it's our largest mini catalog yet! New product lines, new stamp sets for the holidays, new Big Shot® Dies, new Décor Elements, new rub-ons, and 40 pages of project ideas. I think this is one of the best mini catalogs yet. But don't take my word for it — download your own copy today and tell me what you think.
Please note that some of the new products, like the Build-A-Bear Workshop® line of stamps, paper, and dies, are available now and some are being introduced now and will be available soon. The much-anticipated release of My Digital Studio will be on October 1st and the beautiful Simply Adorned Charms are coming soon! I'll be posting more details when they are available.
Hostess Rewards
This fall is a great time to include a Stampin' Up! workshop as part of your holiday shopping. We have an extra gift to hostesses during September, October and November. With a workshop of only $250, you can choose any one item from the Holiday Mini Catalog for only $10 (except My Digital Studio and hostess stamp sets). Contact me today to reserve your date for a fun evening of creativity with your friends — and no mall madness!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
San Antonio at last
Here's a yummy recipe for you:
Scrumptious Apple Dumpling Cake
3 lbs. apples- peeled, cored and sliced
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 cups white sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
2 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup butter
1 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Preheat oven to 350°F and lightly grease a 9 x 13-inch baking dish.
Place sliced apples in layers at the bottom of the baking dish.
Mix together flour, sugar, baking powder and salt in a medium sized bowl. Stir in eggs and butter; then pack on top of the apples. Sprinkle with cinnamon (feel free to add more if desired).
Bake your cake in the preheated oven for 40 to 45 minutes, or until the topping is puffed and golden brown. Wait until cooled and cut into squares.