Monday, April 14, 2008

Bridge day

Well, day #2 on my blogging! So far, so good!
Today was my bridge day. I play bridge twice a month with my Newcomer's group. I had great cards and actually got the highest score today!! First time in about a year for that and I came home a whole $6 richer!! Sonny & I took bridge lessons at the "Y" when we were dating (35 years ago!!). We used to play a lot when we were younger - then kids and other commitments came along and bridge went along the wayside. I started playing again about 10 years ago when we lived in Texas. Sonny tried it a couple of times and decided it was just too boring for him!! It has been a good way for me to get together with other ladies and meet friends when we've moved. I join a Newcomers group and find a bridge group. I used to be so nervous playing that I would just sweat when it came my time to bid or especially if I got the bid & had to play the hand. I remember once in my early days of playing that Sonny & I were partners and were bidding a slam hand. I had a few too many drinks I think & ended up bidding really high in Clubs when actually the suit I should have been bidding was Spades because I didn't have Clubs!! But, over the years, my skills have improved and I can hold my own.

On Wednesday, I am going to a ladies house to learn to play Mah Jong. I have heard of groups playing Mah Jong & just loving it so thought I'd give it a try. I've played it before on the computer but I think this will be a little different. I'll let you know how it goes!

I participate in a Monday Mailer Stampin' Up group. We get different people each month to send a card to with a different theme. This month the card has to use Designer paper. I decided to try a Double Pocket Card and I really like it!! Here is a tutorial that will show you how to make one. And here is my card using Stampin' Up's Western Sky paper and the Wanted stamp set. I'm loving this paper!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

My First Attempt at Blogging!

Well, I am going to try my hand at blogging. I'm sure there will be a lot of trial and error as I try to figure out all the "in's and out's" of blogging, but just bear with me please!! I read so many good blogs every day that I decided to take the plunge. I spend a lot of time looking at other blogs during the day. My daughter in law, Darcie, just recently started her own blog & man, is she good! She is a writer so it is very enjoyable reading her blog. I am really getting to know her better from her posts. Hopefully, you will get to know a little about me from my posts.

My reason for doing a blog is to share the cards that I make with others. I really love making cards. I'm not always great about getting them in the mail, but I am working on it. I could spend all day in my stamping room making cards, reading e-mails, blogs and playing on-line spades!! I have a tee-shirt that says it all ..... Stamping 24/7!! Just ask my husband - he usually has to call me downstairs to fix dinner every night!!

Something else I enjoy as much as making the cards is teaching others to make their own special creations. The cards I'm sharing with you today are a group of 3x6" cards that I am making for a class I will be teaching in June at Stampers Alley in Mooresville. I finally finished my samples today!! Hope you enjoy them and if you're in the area in June, come join the class!