First off - Stampin' Up has put new items in the Clearance Bin so go check it out for some deals. Order online using the
hostess code Y4BBPUMB.
I have my card for the Paper Crew Challenge this week. Just forgot to post it last night!!
I used this new kit that I downloaded yesterday to make the card. It is called Summer Possibilities Kit and was released June 11. I love the red, white and blue and all the elements in the kit.

Yesterday was also a digital release day and I purchased a few of the new ones too. Also, there is a FREE download from yesterday so make sure you check it out. Here is the new download - Get Going July Wallpaper -
I think I am going to play around with this one and make a new blog title - or maybe with the summer one. Check back and be surprised!

I also like this pocket card download - Be Brave.

Well, I am still fighting about my cell phone! Verizon and I are getting to be good pals! I received my "new" phone on Monday and turns out, it was not NEW but a pre-owned phone. I was really mad! I called the number provided and he suggested I go to the store. So, off I went. I spoke with the manager who was really helpful. She showed me a few things that she thought I was doing that could be making the phone lock up. She also told me that the phone I received in the mail was not a refurbished phone but just extra inventory or one someone perhaps returned. So, I returned the new phone and decided to give my old one another chance knowing the new tricks she showed me. Would you believe, yesterday it locked up again! So today, back to the store to talk with Casandra, the manager. Again, she looked through the phone and made a few adjustments and we decided to give it one more try. I left the store, stopped at the bank and stopped to get lunch. Guess what? The phone had locked up again and I had not even used it!! So, after lunch, back to Verizon (I have lost count how many trips I have made to that store!) She was as puzzled as I was but decided that it was time to send for another new phone. I should have it tomorrow and then I get to reload everything once again! Keep your fingers crossed that this one works!